Giacomo Puccini
Gianni Schicchi

Comic opera
Taken off in 2018
Music Director and Conductor Dmitry Volosnikov
Stage Director Gennady Shaposhnikov
Designer Victor Gerasimenko
Lighting Deisgner Sergey Skornetsky
Sung in Italian with Russian surtitles
Running time: 0 hours 50 minutes
Premiered on 30 January 2009
Recommended for 12+
This production was given a Special Award from the musical theatre jury of the Golden Mask national theatrical prize of the 2009/2010 season.
“This premiere was produced entirely by the theatre’s own efforts. The only guest person here was Gennady Shaposhnikov, the stage director of Gianni Schicchi and a debutant in opera production. The debutant, however, managed to dowhat more experienced producers do not always do. He created a performance in which the modern form heightens the comic plot, and the stage movement does not suppress the music, evolving in full accordance with its character and rather difficult rhythm. At thesame time each performer is involved in the unfettered play, which paradoxically helps perform most difficult vocal ensembles instead of impeding the singing.”

The Kultura newspaper, 5–11 February 2009

“The performance about a forged will of a dead miser is so funny that sometimes the audience’s laughter drownsthe singing. Neither the transfer of the action from the 18th to the 21st century, nor the “typical Italian” fuss and colorfulness on the stage do not hinder the performers frombrilliantly singing their parts.”

NovayaGazeta,Issue 18, 20 February 2009

“The more than overstated grotesque of the production is,however,vested in a very stylish modern stage cloak and wears dashing costumes, deliberately exaggerating medieval commedia dell’arte (set and costume designer Viktor Gerasimenko).”

“PlanetaKrasoty”, Issue 3, 2009

The Kolobov Novaya Opera Theatre
3/2 Karetny Ryad (Hermitage Garden), Moscow, 127006, Russia
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