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| | | | | 12 January’14 Sunday 18:00 Reverse Perspective Concert of Russian choral music in two parts The programme of the concert: Rachmaninov's Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom Rimsky-Korsakov's From Homer Prelude-cantata for singers, female choir and orchestra Taneyev's John of Damascus Cantata for choir and orchestra to the Aleksey Tolstoy poem
Choir and Orchestra of the Novaya Opera The Reverse Perspective concert continues the tradition to perform oratorios and cantatas during the festival. Unlike the previous seasons, this time the focus is on Russian choral music. The evening’s programme comprises Taneyev’s John of Damascus, Rachmaninov’s Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, and the rarely performed prelude-cantata From Homer by Rimsky-Korsakov. Stage director Aleksey Veiro defines the concert’s genre as a choral mystery: “Reverse perspective is a convention of drawing in Byzantine and Old Russian icons. In reverse perspective further objects are drawn larger and lines do not converge against the horizon, but as if inside a spectator. Something like that we are trying to achieve in this concert, the idea of which is to unite the audience and the musicians in the stage and sound space. The performance will be unusual: the stage will be almost empty, with some geometric figures instead of sets, and there will be a bell tower in the background. The chorus will be in the boxes and the choirmaster will be facing downstage”.
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| © 2011–2025 The Kolobov Novaya Opera Theatre of Moscow |