Group tickets (10 tickets or more) can be booked by fax +7 (495) 694–18–30, by e-mail or by phone +7 (495) 694–18–30 (Monday to Friday, 12:00 to 18:00 Moscow Time).

In your group booking application you are required to indicate:
1. Title of the performance and its date (see the playbill).
2. How many seats you need and where you would like to seat (see the auditorium plan).
3. The preferred way of payment (cash or bank transfer).


Your application will be processed within two days. You are strongly recommended to make group bookings in advance (tickets are available for sale three months before the performance).


Special offer for travel agencies
We offer special terms for travel agencies and tour operators.
To book tickets you should send us a group booking application
by fax +7 (495) 694–18–30 or by e-mail
We can prepare the requested number of programmes in Russian or in English if you book in advance. If your group is big, we can arrange for an additional performance of one of our repertory productions.
For more information please contact the Sales Department manager
at +7 (495) 694–18–30.


Special offer for hotels
For hotels and reception desks we offer immediate booking. You can contact our sales manager to book the required number of tickets even on the day of the performance without commission fees or intermediaries.
Contact phone numbers: +7 (495) 694–18–30

The Kolobov Novaya Opera Theatre
3/2 Karetny Ryad (Hermitage Garden), Moscow, 127006, Russia
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© 2011–2025 The Kolobov Novaya Opera Theatre of Moscow